Joined 2013 | Followers 422.5k+ | Shares 1.8M+
After careers in finance and designer vintage selling, Kristin coupled her business and e-commerce experience with her creative eye for merchandising, styling, and photography to open her Poshmark boutique, 11th Street. She became known for her signature aesthetic, and quickly amassed a loyal customer base through the Poshmark community, which has been key to her success. Kristin enjoys being her own boss and is grateful to Poshmark for providing the tools to fulfill her dreams of running her own business.
Photo: Ashley Batz

Joined 2016 | Followers 121.2k+ | Shares 82k+
For Shaun, a husband and dad of two, Poshmark is more than just a place to shop and sell, it’s an activity that bonds his whole family. When his mom moved to his neighborhood, he wanted to find an activity they could share together, and he stumbled across Poshmark while listening to a podcast. Poshing became an activity the two did together, bringing them closer than ever before. His wife also supports by helping him source popular brands and manage inventory.
Photo: Shaun Bartley

Joined 2013 | Followers 120.4k+ | Shares 182.7k+
A full-time reseller and stay-at-home mom of three, Lilian has created a Poshmark business that supports her family and has enabled them to become debt-free. She prides herself on happily juggling motherhood while running her Posh business, and lives by the mantra of doing everything with love, with the goal of making a difference in the world. She’s even started a children's boutique on Poshmark called @thegracefulkids, which she uses to help teach her daughters about running a small business—they even help take the photos and package sales. Lilian wakes up each day with happiness and purpose because she truly loves what she does.
Photo: Lilian Barillas

Joined 2015 | Followers 201.6k+ | Shares 40.3k+
Nick, a retail merchandising student, first started his resale hustle while in high school. Now in college, Poshmark has become his main source of income and has given him the funds to pay for his college tuition, car payment, and insurance. Thrifting and listing have become stress-relievers for Nick amidst his busy school schedule, and he even has a YouTube channel where he shares tips, tricks, and listing hauls.
Photo: Nick Waskosky

Joined 2017 | Followers 132k+ | Shares 115.3k+
Lisa is unable to work a traditional job due to multiple sclerosis, but Poshmark has empowered her to make an income while also doing something that she loves. She carefully hand-picks each item listed in her Poshmark closet, and sourcing clothing has become a way to stay physically active, while taking inventory and budgeting has kept her mentally active. In many ways, Poshmark has allowed her to fight the disease in a powerful way, by keeping her mobile and engaged.
Photo: Lisa Wagner

Joined 2015 | Followers 20.6k+ | Shares 73.5k+
As a college junior studying interior architecture and marketing, Aleah moonlights as a small business entrepreneur on Poshmark to fuel her “serious love” of fashion and reselling. She sold a few pieces here and there when she first started her Poshing journey in 2015. In 2018, she decided to take the term #PoshBoss to a whole new level and launched The Mazyck Boutique right from her college dorm room, where she specializes in selling on-trend clothing and accessories. She’s all about community and loves to connect with fellow Poshers both on and offline. Her best #PoshTips? “Set aside time to take your flat-lays to the next level, spark a convo with an online friend, and share your Posh closet all week long!”
Photo: Aleah Mazyck

Joined 2015 | Followers 161k+ | Shares 458k+
Prior to Poshmark, Michael worked at a consignment store for 2 years before making reselling his career. Nowadays, he sources for his closet in many different ways. Though he resides in Seattle, he makes trips as far as San Antonio, TX to thrift for his closet. Additionally, he helps others organize their home closets and accepts any unwanted clothes as donations to list on Poshmark. As an entrepreneur, he's also launched his own custom line including clothes, totes, mugs, and more. This creativity and hustle has given Michael the flexibility to be a full-time Posher as well as primary caregiver for his father. He finds Poshing therapeutic and loves that he doesn't have to work the average 9 to 5 job.
Photo: Michael Rhodes

Joined 2015 | Followers 95.9k+ | Shares 72.6k+
Chelsey struggled throughout her life with agoraphobia (extreme anxiety of leaving the house) and for years only left home for therapy once a week. She couldn’t hold a job, had a hard time making friends, and struggled with self-esteem. Chelsey discovered Poshmark, but needed inventory to sell, so she began to break out of her comfort zone and venture to thrift stores to stock her closet. Once she started listing on Poshmark and making money, her life took a turn for the better. Her self-esteem skyrocketed and she made friends on the app. She mustered up the courage and confidence to then go meet these friends IRL at local Posh N Sips. As a result, she cultivated an amazing community—something she’s never had before. In her words, the platform gave her life and she’s forever grateful.
Photo: Chelsey Hunt

Joined 2016 | Followers 119.8k+ | Shares 87.8k+
Rosalyn is a fashionista, fitness junkie, and a stay-at-home mother of 3 who discovered Poshmark through her daughter. What first started as a hobby of selling her personal items and kid's clothes is now a full-time business stocked with boutique items. Throughout her journey at Poshmark, Rosalyn broke boundaries she never knew she was able to. She has cultivated relationships with the Poshmark community and found a sense of belonging. Rosalyn learns from every person she meets and continues to foster relationships through hosting Posh N Sips as well as being a mentor in the Spanish-speaking community!
Photo: Rosalyn Figueroa

Joined 2018 | Followers 87.4k+ | Shares 15.6k+
Julia is an award-winning chef who discovered Poshmark on a break between jobs. Poshmark gives her the time and space needed to rest between projects, while still providing a creative outlet and steady income. Her life as a chef creates a nomadic lifestyle, demanding frequent moves and the need to downsize, making Poshmark a solution for clearing out the pieces she doesn’t bring along while also supporting the pursuit of her dreams.
Photo: Julia Ning

Joined 2015 | Followers 63k+
Wholesale family business and Seattle-based @t_jdesigns first debuted their Poshmark wholesale business in 2016 and is run by parents Mike and Lynn, and their daughters, Jennifer and Tiffany. As long-time wholesale sellers, @t_jdesigns was pleasantly surprised by the welcoming community within the app, which is their favorite aspect of Poshmark. Each member of the family brings something unique to the table, as parents Mike and Lynn source items for their closet and manage sales, and daughters Jennifer and Tiffany bring their professional designer and blogger background.
Photo: Mike Shih

Joined 2019 | Followers 446.4k+ | Shares 7k+
Lorel was one of the early adopters of Poshmark Canada when it expanded beyond the U.S. in the spring of 2019. In the midst of becoming a mom and attending nursing school full-time, Lorel began reselling to financially support her family and used her earnings to pay for her school and student loans. She recently graduated from nursing school and her Poshmark business is thriving, so much so that she’s almost fulfilled her goal of using her earnings to take her family to Europe.
Photo: Lorel Grad

Joined 2017 | Followers 121k+ | Shares 438k+
Lindsay and Ryan have always been passionate about shoes. After selling locally in their community, they were seeking an online marketplace to help grow their business, and found Poshmark. Ryan and Lindsay were immediately hooked after realizing how quick and easy the listing process is. Now, they're full-time sellers with 12,300+ pairs of shoes sold and love being a part of the Poshmark community. Selling on Poshmark has given them freedom, both financially and time for themselves. They have been able to build a consistent income and it has allowed them to provide employment opportunities for their friends and family as their reselling business continues to grow.
Photo: Lindsay & Ryan

Joined 2018 | Followers 72k+ | Shares 104k+
As a plus-size woman, Paula understands how difficult it is to find cute and affordable clothing that fits her body. When she started selling on Poshmark, she wanted to ensure her closet was full of high-quality, low-cost items, so women who look like her can be stylish without breaking the bank. Paula loves being able to support the plus-size community by helping them feel confident while also being able to build comradery. Paula works in digital marketing by day, but her side hustle on Poshmark has helped her and her husband become homeowners this past February.
Photo: Paula Banks

Joined 2019 | Followers 212k+ | Shares 30k+
Mary, a full time teacher and mother of 3, has always been a lover of shopping and finding the best possible deal. She started on Poshmark as soon as it launched in Canada and has sold over 650 items since. She hopes that her young daughters and students can find inspiration by seeing her pursue a career, be a mom, and be her own girl boss to her side hustle. In her words, "I am incredibly thankful for the Poshmark community, who has given me the platform to run my own business. As I continue to learn and grow, I rely on two things: persistence and passion."
Photo: Mary Perin

Joined 2015 | Followers 129k+ | Shares 883k+
Cathy has always been a lover of fashion and luxury designers. In 2017, she didn't think much of it when she first listed an old Gucci bag of her mother's but when it sold, she realized she could dive into that passion and continue to learn and sell. Before Poshmark, Cathy owned her own advertising agency. She now has an eclectic closet full of wonderful vintage pieces but still loves to learn about the new trendy designers. Cathy is 75 years old and is semi-handicaped so she finds Poshmark to be a great way to get mental and physical stimulation. She loves to always say, "I love vintage because I am vintage."
Photo: Cathy Frangos

Joined 2020 | Followers 24k+ | Shares 30k+
Angel started listing on Poshmark after getting frustrated with different avenues of resale. He knew he had great pieces and understood fashion and trends so once things started selling, he was hooked. Angel loves Poshmark because it helps promote sustainability in the fashion world, is a great way to make income, and gives him and his family a community to lean on. Angel is a fleet manager at a transportation company, but selling on Poshmark has allowed his wife to stay home with their children. Poshmark has helped their family pay their mortgage and supports their lifestyle while also being a great supportive community for them.
Photo: Angel Arriaza

Joined 2019 | Followers 246k+ | Shares 482k+
Coco got started on Poshmark after realizing how simple it was to list and make sales. After attending a Poshmark-hosted event in Old Montreal, she realized this was what she was looking for: a fun and exciting community that can also help her make some extra money. After getting her degree in urban planning and now studying to get her bachelor degree in construction engineering, Coco has been working for the Government. However, she loves to do Poshmark in her freetime and she adds some spice to her closet by modeling her listings and taking great photos. Since starting on Poshmark, Coco has been able to pay all of her debts but she says the relationships she's built have been even more valuable than money.
Photo: Coco